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Power switches
There are 2 products.
Active filters
Every circuit carrying electric current is exposed to damage caused by breakdowns, overloads or changes in voltage and amperage. For this purpose, it is worth protecting the device system against unexpected events.outlet3d.eu/pl/wylaczniki-mocy/998-wylacznik-mocy-moeller-nzm-n1.html ">Moeller power switches b>are responsible for cutting off the electrical system from the energy supply. It is primarily used to switch off, switch on and conduct currents up to 10 times the rated current. In addition, it is an electrical apparatus that enables an isolation break in an electric circuit or breaks the circuit in the event of an overload or short circuit. Thanks to this, it protects the equipment against damage due to start-up interlock, phase failure, short-circuit, overload or voltage asymmetry.
Exclusivepower ik in the outlet3d.eu store- the types we offer and their functions span>
The best devices available on the market to protect the installation against short circuits arepower switches with strike coil. Their main advantages include the ability to reconnect if a previously detected and corrected fault in the circuit allows it, the ability to quickly reset, and the possibility of triggering diagnostics.
250 A power circuit breakers they have a modern structure, i.e. they are combined with each otherand thermomagnetic or electronic current releases. They are regulated by the settings of the currents and trip times and allow for any shaping of the operating characteristics. Due to their application power switches have been divided so that they perform their tasks even better and fulfill all even very difficult functions.
Outlet3d.eu power switch - summary
All switches in our store's assortment are tested and matched to the needs of our customers. You will be guaranteed the highest quality with us.Power switch with striker coil gives excellent protection when using machines. It protects against short circuits and immediately stops the device as soon as there is a risk. Depending on the needs, we have160 A power switch , 250 A, and even span>400 A power switch between which the setting range of the instantaneous short-circuit release varies.
Also checkhref = "https://outlet3d.eu/pl/239-wylaczniki-silnikowe">motor circuit breakers , safety switches andlimit switches .