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Frequency relays

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Relays are electrical or electromagnetic switching devices which, after meeting the appropriate input conditions, set the assumed state at the output. High-frequency relays enable fast and efficient switching of high frequencies and high powers.

NIrreplaceable frequency transmitters and their functions

High-frequency relays are used primarily for high load capacity and high voltages in the lower or medium frequency range. Its basic type RL 42 is designed with two changeover contacts. This relay can make and switch voltages up to 6,000 V AC. However, for simpler applications, the RL 21 version with one changeover contact is intended. It is recommended to use the RL 42 -h model when switching higher voltages. It is equipped with two changeover contacts that can handle voltages up to 10,000 V.

In our store you canmeet a large selection of relays that have their specific tasks. We distinguish electronic relays that differ from electromagnetic in that the contact element has been replaced by a semiconductor element. For example, triacs, transistors or thyristors are used to connect circuits, and optical elements can also be used as switching elements. It is worth knowing that due to the lack of mechanical components, electrical relays can operate at a significantly increased frequencythan electromagnetic relays. Thanks to this, they do not wear out quickly, even during high frequency of work. frequency relays - data and technical parameters

The basic parameters of the relay include control voltage, maximum switching current, maximum operating frequency, coil resistance, and input and output voltage withstand. These are the most important parameters that should be checked before purchasing the appropriate product. We provide the help of our experts who will be happy to advise you on your choice. We would also like to point out that most relays have been adapted to switching resistive loads, so if the relay is to switch loads of a different nature, it should be checked whether it can perform such a function. In addition to frequency relays, in our offerrcie you will also find:

If you still haven't found what you are looking for, try our categoryef = "">other relays .

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