Cookie policy for the website at, and

Personal data administrator - B3D sc, more inhref = "">Privacy Policy

AND.            What are cookies:

Cookie files (cookies) are small text files sent by the server and saved on the device through which the website is browsed (the so-called end device), hard drive, laptop, smartphone memory card/ p>

B3D sc uses cookiese to ensure the functioning of the websitewebsite and online store at the highest level (ensuring safety and reliability); enable the use of available website features and services; adapting its content and offered products to the needs and interests of website visitors; creating statistics; displaying advertisements tailored to the preferences of the website visitor.

The most common types of cookies used by B3D sc:

1)      session - these are temporary files that are deleted from the end device's memory after the website is closed;

2)      persistent - they are stored in the memory of the end device and remain there until they are deleted or expired;

3)      analytical - collect information about the way the website is used, the type of page from which the redirection was made and the number of visitszine and website visit time. These files allow to define the preferences of the website visitor and adjusting the website itself, e.g. by remembering selected settings by the website, matching products to the interests of the person viewing the website. These files do not record specific data, but are used to compile statistics on the use of the website;

4)      own - files located on website directly by B3D sc used for the purpose of: a) authentication in the online store and provide a session in the online store afterits logging in, so there is no need to log in again on the store's subpage online or after switching to an external website; b) creating analyzes and auditing the website viewership;                         

5)      external - files placed on the website by third parties.

       II.            How to change cookie settings:

The person browsing the website has the option to define the conditions for the use of cookies through the settings of the web browser he / she uses. This means that you can, for example, partially restrict (e.g. temporarily) or completely disable the storage of cookies. Changes  in terms of cookie settings may make it difficult or impossible to use some of the website's functions.

Detailed information on changing cookie settings and their self-removal in the most popular web browsers is available in the help section of a specific web browser and on the following websites:

in the browser Chrome

in Firefox

in Internet Explorer

in the Opera browser

in the Safari browser

in the Microsoft Edge browser

     III.            Google Analytics:

For the purpose of analyzing data such as the number of visits, country, browser type, time of visit to the website, B3D's website may use third party tools such as Google Analytics. This tool works on the basis of cookies and does not provide data that would make it possible to identify a specific person using the website. The collected data is processed in an anonymised way to generate statistics helpful in administering the website. These data are aggregate and anonymous. Please read the details of the privacy policybones Google Analytics.

    IV.            IP address / Logs

Using the website is associated with the disclosure of B3D sc the IP address of the person's device. B3D sc can collect device IP addresses, incl. in order todiagnosing technical problems of the server, creating statistical analyzes. The IP number allows you to access the Internet, and in most cases it changes every time you connect to the Internet.

B3D can accumulate the so-called system logs, i.e. event log - which means a record of information about events and activities related to the website, created in chronological order. They contain data such as the IP address from which the given subpage was accessed, the address of that website and the time of connection. System logs are used mainly for statistical purposes. The analysis of system logs also allows you to adjust the content of the website and the presented marketing content to the preferences of the person viewing the website.

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     V.            Contact form / Newsletter

In the case of contact via the contact form on website, telephone, e-mail, etc. personal data such as name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number are transferred. Personal data is used only for contact purposes. In the case of using the Newsletter service, the personal data provided is processed for marketing purposes, i.e.sending commercial information. More about the rules for the processing of personal data can be found inhref = "">Privacy Policy .

    VI.            Links to other websites.

The B3D website may contain links to other websites and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,Youtube etc. B3D sc does not answeractivities for the privacy principles, including cookie policy applicable on these websites / social networks. We recommend that you read the cookie policy and privacy policy used by these websites. This Cookie Policy andps: // ">Privacy Policy applies only to the website of B3D sc

   VII.            Changing the content of the Cookie Policy

We reserve that the content of the Cookie Policy may change. We will inform you about the change via the website.